Squirrel Removal Tarpon Springs

Are you tired of squirrels invading your home or business and causing chaos? Squirrels may seem like harmless creatures, but they can cause significant damage to buildings and homes. They're known for chewing through electrical wires, insulation, and creating holes in attics. Not to mention, they can carry diseases and pose a threat to your pets. If you're experiencing a squirrel problem in Tarpon Springs, FL, you're not alone. Many homeowners and businesses in the Tampa Bay area are dealing with the same issue.

Tarpon Springs squirrels can infest your attic and yard, causing property damage that will have to be repaired.

But don’t worry, there is a solution. AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa offers professional squirrel removal and pest control services in Tarpon Springs and the surrounding areas. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to effectively trap and remove squirrels from your property safely. We also provide treatment to prevent future infestations and make necessary repairs to your building. Plus, we offer competitive prices and prioritize the safety of your pets and family. Keep reading for more information on how we can help solve your squirrel problem.

Signs of Squirrel Infestation

Squirrels are cute and playful creatures that are a joy to watch from afar. However, they can quickly turn into pests when they invade your home or business. Squirrel infestations can be problematic, causing damage to your property and posing a risk to your health and safety. Here are the signs to look out for if you suspect a squirrel infestation in your location:

A. Sightings of Squirrels

The most apparent sign of a squirrel infestation is the presence of the animals themselves. If you spot one or more squirrels frequently roaming around your property, chances are that there’s an infestation. A sighting of a squirrel might seem innocent, but it could mean that many others are hiding away.

B. Squirrel Nests

Squirrels typically build nests in trees or other high locations. However, when they infest your area, they may create their nests in the roof voids or attics of your property. Look out for nests made of twigs, leaves, and other debris, as these are signs that squirrels are living in your space.

C. Chewed Wires or Insulation

Squirrels are known to gnaw on anything they come across, including wires and insulation materials. If you notice gnawed wires or insulation around your home or business, it could be a sign of squirrel activity. This can be dangerous as it may result in electrical issues or fire hazards.

D. Holes in the Roof or Exterior of Your Home

Squirrels can cause significant damage to your property by chewing holes in the roof or exterior walls. Look out for holes around the size of a baseball or larger, which squirrels use to enter and exit your space.

E. Strange Noises

Squirrels are active during the day and are known for their high-pitched noises. If you hear scurrying or scratching sounds coming from the walls or ceilings, it’s a sign that squirrels are present.

F. Droppings

Squirrel droppings are small, cylindrical, and brown. If you notice these droppings around your property, it’s a clear indication that squirrels are using your location as a habitat.

G. Foul Odors

If you notice a strong smell around your property, it could be a sign of squirrel infestation. Squirrels tend to leave a musky odor, which can become more potent with time.

H. Visible Tracks or Footprints

Squirrels leave tracks or footprints on surfaces they have walked on, such as dusty attics or outdoor areas. Look out for small prints with four toes and a thumb, which are a clear sign of squirrel activity.

I. Damage to Outdoor Areas

Squirrels are known to dig up gardens and create holes in lawns, causing damage to outdoor areas. If you notice any signs of destruction in your garden or lawn, it could be a sign of a squirrel infestation.

If you notice any of these signs of squirrel infestation, it’s essential to act quickly by contacting a professional wildlife pest control service, such as AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa. These services can help remove squirrels from your property safely and humanely, preventing further damage to your home or business. Don’t wait until it’s too late; contact wildlife pest control services to take care of any infestation in your area.

Roof Fire caused by squirrels chewing on electrical wires in Tarpon Springs

Problems Caused by Squirrels

Squirrels are known to be cute and harmless animals that are fun to watch, but they can cause significant problems when they invade your location. Here are some of the common problems caused by squirrels that you need to be aware of:

-Damage to Property

Squirrels are known to cause damage to property by gnawing on wires, chewing through insulation, and causing holes in the roof and exterior walls of homes and businesses. This can lead to costly repairs, which is why it’s best to take action before the damage becomes too severe.

-Garden Damage

Squirrels love to dig up gardens in search of food, which can cause extensive damage to your plants and flowers. They are also known to uproot bulbs and seeds, leading to stunted growth or even death of your plants.

-Bird Feeder Raids

Squirrels are notorious for raiding bird feeders, which can disrupt your bird-watching experience. They will eat the birdseed, chew on the feeder, and even scare away the birds.

-Spread of Disease

Squirrels can carry diseases such as salmonella, tularemia, and Lyme disease, which can be transmitted to humans and pets. Squirrel droppings can also spread diseases and contaminate your location.

-Nesting in Attics and Chimneys

Squirrels love to make nests in attics and chimneys, which can cause damage to your property and disrupt your peace. They are known to gnaw on wood and insulation, which can be a fire hazard.

-Car Damage (Chewing on Car Wires)

Squirrels are known to chew on car wires, which can cause significant damage to your vehicle. This can result in costly repairs, leaving you stranded without transportation.

-Tree Damage (They Strip Bark to Chew Feed on Sap)

Squirrels can cause damage to trees by stripping the bark to feed on the sap. This can weaken the tree and make it more vulnerable to disease and pests.

-Aggressive Behavior

Squirrels can become aggressive when they feel threatened, and they may attack humans or pets. This can be dangerous, especially if you have children or pets in your location.

-Disrupting Power Supply

Squirrels can disrupt the power supply by gnawing on electrical wires, leading to power outages and expensive repairs. This can be a significant inconvenience, especially if you rely on electricity for your work or daily activities.

If you’re experiencing any of these problems in your location, it’s best to contact a professional animal control company like AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa. These companies offer the best squirrel trapping and removal services, ensuring that your location is free from these pesky animals. Don’t let squirrels cause further damage to your property, take action today and contact a professional wildlife removal company.

Squirrel Removal Services in Tarpon Springs FL

If you’re experiencing a squirrel pest problem in your home or business, AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa offers comprehensive squirrel removal services in Tarpon Springs FL. Our four-step process guarantees that your squirrel problem is not only solved but also prevented from recurring.

Step 1: Inspection

The first step in our process is a thorough inspection of your property. Our wildlife removal specialists will inspect the exterior and interior of your property to identify any potential entry points, squirrel droppings, and other signs of a wildlife problem. We’ll then provide you with a detailed report of our findings and give you a quote for our services.

Step 2: Exclusion

Once we’ve identified the entry points, we’ll take steps to exclude the squirrels from your property. Our team will seal all entry points using materials that are squirrel-proof, ensuring that the pests can’t re-enter your property once they’ve been removed. We’ll also provide you with tips on how to prevent squirrels from entering your property in the future.

Step 3: Trapping

Our team will set humane traps to capture the squirrels in your property. We’ll then relocate the squirrels to a safe location far away from your property, ensuring that they don’t return. We take great care in handling the squirrels to ensure that they’re not harmed during the removal process.

Step 4: Cleanup and Repair

After the squirrels have been removed, our team will clean up any droppings and other debris left behind. We’ll also repair any damage caused by the squirrels, such as chewed wires or damaged insulation. Our team will also sanitize the affected areas to prevent the spread of any diseases.

At AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa, we understand the importance of taking care of your wildlife problem quickly and effectively. We offer our services to both residential and commercial properties in Tarpon Springs FL, as well as neighboring areas like St. Petersburg. If you’re experiencing a squirrel pest problem, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our team of wildlife removal specialists is always ready to assist you.

If you need help with Squirrel Damage and Attic Restoration, give us a call!

Before and After photos of wildlife damage repair in Tarpon Springs

Bait Stations vs Seal-Ups

When it comes to squirrel pest removal, there are two main strategies: bait stations and seal-ups. While both strategies can be effective, seal-ups are the superior long-term strategy for pest prevention.

Bait stations, as the name suggests, use bait to attract animals and trap them. While this approach can be effective for removing existing pests, it doesn’t address the root cause of the problem – preventing future infestations. Bait stations also pose risks to other animals and can lead to unintended consequences, such as the accidental trapping of non-target animals.

Seal-ups, on the other hand, focus on preventing animals from entering your property by identifying and sealing off potential entry points. This approach not only removes existing pests but also prevents future infestations. In areas like Tarpon Springs FL and Tampa Florida, where the climate is conducive to squirrel pest removal, seal-ups are the preferred strategy for long-term pest prevention.

Seal-ups offer several advantages over bait stations. First and foremost, they are more environmentally friendly since they don’t require the use of harmful chemicals or bait. Seal-ups also provide better insulation for your property, which can lead to energy savings in the long run. Additionally, since seal-ups only need to be done once (with occasional touch-ups), they offer long-term cost savings compared to bait stations.

When considering seal-ups, there are a few things to keep in mind. The process involves identifying potential entry points and sealing them off, which can include sealing gaps in your roof, siding, or foundation. It’s important to work with a reputable pest removal company like AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa to ensure that the job is done correctly and thoroughly.

Preventing Squirrel Infestations

If you want to prevent a squirrel infestation in your house or business, there are several ways to go about it. Here are some of the best ways to keep squirrels out of your property.

Seal Entry Points: One of the most effective ways to prevent squirrels from entering your house or business is to seal entry points. Check your roof, foundation, and exterior walls for any gaps or holes that squirrels could use to enter your property. Seal them with caulking or mesh wire to keep squirrels out.

Trim Branches: Trim tree branches that are close to your roof or windows, as squirrels can use them as a bridge to enter your property.

Store Food Properly: Squirrels are attracted to food, so make sure to store your food properly, especially pet food. Keep it in airtight containers and clean up any spilled food immediately.

Keep Your Yard Clean: Keep your yard clean and free of debris to make it less attractive to squirrels.

Use Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders: Use squirrel-proof bird feeders to keep squirrels away from your bird seed.

Install Barriers: Install barriers like mesh wire or netting around your property to prevent squirrels from entering.

Wrap a Tree with Aluminum Flashing: Squirrels can climb trees to gain access to your roof, so wrap the tree trunk with aluminum flashing to make it harder for them to climb.

Install Metal Collars around Poles and Wires: Install metal collars around poles and wires to prevent squirrels from using them to enter your property.

Use Repellents: Use natural repellents like pepper spray or mothballs to keep squirrels away from your property.

Call a Professional: If you’re experiencing a squirrel infestation despite your best efforts, don’t hesitate to call a professional squirrel removal company like AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa. We provide professional squirrel removal services in Tarpon Springs FL and Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, and the surrounding areas. Our team of experts can help you identify and remove the squirrels from your property and provide guidance on how to prevent future infestations.

Why Do Squirrels Chew On Wires and Power Cables? Are They Attracted To Them?

Squirrels are known for their propensity to chew on just about anything, including wires and power cables. This behavior can lead to serious damage to homes and businesses, as well as critical infrastructure such as power grids. At AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa, we understand the importance of identifying and addressing squirrel pest problems before they can cause significant damage.

One reason why squirrels chew on wires is due to their teeth, which grow continuously. To control their growth, squirrels need to chew on things regularly. Wires are an ideal object for grinding their teeth against, as they provide more control and a better surface to grind against. Additionally, squirrels are attracted to areas where other hidden things are located, and wires are often found in these areas.

Squirrels can chew through power cables, which can cause power outages and damage to critical infrastructure. Squirrels are always looking for new food sources or nesting material, and they often find these items in and around trees. Trees tend to be located near power lines, which is why squirrels often chew through power cables.

According to a survey by security expert Chris Thomas (aka SpaceRogue), squirrels cause more damage to critical infrastructure than cyber attacks. Squirrels, birds, rats, snakes, raccoons, martens, and frogs were responsible for 1700 power cuts and eight billion dollars of damage annually since 2013. Of these animals, squirrels were responsible for the highest number of attacks on US power grids, followed by birds, snakes, raccoons, rats, martens, and frogs.

In addition to chewing on wires and power cables, squirrels are also known to eat car wires, especially those with edible soy wire insulation. Damage to engine wiring can be costly and dangerous.

Exterior damage caused by squirrels in Tarpon Springs

Types of Squirrels in Florida

Florida is home to several different types of squirrels, including the Eastern Gray Squirrel, Fox Squirrel, and Southern Flying Squirrel. These critters can cause problems for homeowners and businesses, which is why it’s important to understand their habits and behavior in order to properly control and remove them.

The Eastern Gray Squirrel is the most common squirrel found in Florida. They are typically gray in color with a white belly and are known for their bushy tails. These squirrels can grow up to 20 inches in length, including their tail, and are known for their acrobatic abilities. Eastern Gray Squirrels can cause significant damage to homes and businesses by chewing on wires, insulation, and other materials. They can also get into attics and walls and create nests, which can be difficult to remove without the help of animal removal experts.

Fox Squirrels are also common in Florida and are larger than Eastern Gray Squirrels, growing up to 27 inches in length, including their tail. They are typically reddish-brown in color and are known for their distinctive “eyebrow” markings. Like Eastern Gray Squirrels, Fox Squirrels can cause significant damage to homes and businesses by chewing on wires, insulation, and other materials. They can also create nests in attics and walls, which can require professional animal removal services to properly address.

Southern Flying Squirrels are a smaller species of squirrel, growing up to 10 inches in length, including their tail. They are typically gray or brown in color and have a distinct flap of skin that stretches between their front and back legs, allowing them to glide through the air. Southern Flying Squirrels are known for their ability to get into small cracks and crevices, making them particularly difficult to remove from homes and businesses. Their presence can lead to significant damage, as they often chew on wires, insulation, and other materials.

If you’re experiencing problems with squirrels in your home or business, it’s important to contact a professional animal removal service like AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to effectively trap and remove squirrels from your property. We can also provide repairs and answer any questions you may have about squirrel pest control. Don’t let squirrel infestations go unchecked – call AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa today for all your squirrel removal needs.

Why Choose Us

At AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa, we understand the importance of choosing the right pest control company to solve your squirrel problem. Here are just a few reasons why you should choose us for your squirrel removal needs.

Quality: Our team of skilled workers/technicians are committed to providing quality service that delivers results. We use up-to-date equipment and techniques to ensure that we remove squirrels from your property effectively and efficiently.

Expertise: Our team has years of experience in removing squirrels from homes and businesses. We have the knowledge and expertise to identify entry points, seal them off, and remove the squirrels humanely.

Reliability: We pride ourselves on our reliability and commitment to our customers. We understand that a squirrel infestation can cause damage to your property and be a major inconvenience for your family. That’s why we offer fast-response, timely service to ensure that we resolve your pest problem as soon as possible.

Trustworthiness: At AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa, we prioritize building trust with our customers. We communicate clearly and honestly with our customers and provide fair pricing for our services.

Customer Satisfaction: Our top priority is customer satisfaction. We take the time to understand your specific pest problem and develop a customized plan to solve it. We also offer a warranty for our services to give you peace of mind.

In addition to these reasons, we are also family-owned and involved in our local community. We are accredited and certified in our industry, and our company is fully insured. Our commitment to communication and professionalism has earned us a great reputation among our customers, who recommend us to their friends and family.

If these critters have caused serious damage to your home or business, call us today for Wildlife Damage Repair!

Areas Served

At AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa, we serve a variety of neighborhoods and attractions in the Tarpon Springs area. If you’re experiencing squirrel pest problems in Pointe Alexis, Tarpon Shores, Citizens Alliance For Progress, Woods At Anderson Park, Beckett Bay, or Parkside Colony, don’t hesitate to call us for help. We specialize in squirrel removal and can help you identify and address squirrel pest problems before they can cause significant damage to your property.

In addition to our neighborhood services, we also serve a variety of attractions in the Tarpon Springs area. If you’re experiencing critter problems or nuisance wildlife at Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks, Tarpon Springs Aquarium, and Animal, Fred Howard Park, A.L. Anderson Park, Sunset Beach, or Craig Park, we can help. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to identify and address a variety of pest problems, including squirrel removal.

If you’re experiencing squirrel pest problems, it’s important to call AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa for help. We specialize in squirrel removal and can help you find the right solution to your pest problems. Don’t hesitate to call us if you’re experiencing critter problems or nuisance wildlife. We’re here to help you find the right solution to your pest problems.

Other Services Offered

At AAAC Wildlife Removal Tampa, we specialize in squirrel removal, but we also offer other wildlife removal services. We provide professional and humane solutions to your wildlife pest problems. Our team of experts uses effective techniques to ensure that we remove unwanted animals from your property safely and efficiently.

We specialize in the removal and control of several wildlife pests, including raccoons, rats, bats, rodents, snakes, opossums, mice, birds, armadillos, coyotes, foxes, and skunks. We offer bat control services to help you remove bats from your property and prevent their return. Our rodent control services help you get rid of rodents and prevent further infestations.

However, it’s important to note that we don’t offer to remove termites, ants, bugs, insects, bed bugs, deer, alligators, beavers, chipmunks, minks, moles, muskrats, or porcupines. We specialize in wildlife removal, and our services are geared toward removing wildlife pests that can cause damage to your property or pose a threat to your health and safety.

Before and After photos of wildlife damage repair in Tarpon Springs

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Tarpon Springs

Tarpon Springs

About Tarpon Springs

Tarpon Springs is a city on central Florida’s Gulf Coast. Greek eateries line waterfront Dodecanese Boulevard, a legacy of the Greek sponge divers who settled here in the early 1900s. Along the water, the Historic Sponge Docks are a reminder of the once booming industry. The 1940s St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church has stained glass and a Grecian marble altar. Tarpon Springs Aquarium displays Gulf marine life.


Parkside ColonyBeckett BayWoods At Anderson ParkPointe AlexisTarpon ShoresTarpon Springs

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Chris Wirt

We are passionate about helping our friends, neighbors, and customers manage their wildlife issues, and keep their homes safe and secure. If you’re struggling with an uninvited guest in your house or yard, give us a call!

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4115 Tampa St, Tampa Bay, Florida