Eastern diamond rattlesnake Trapping Tampa

Common names for the Eastern diamond rattlesnake are eastern diamondback, diamond rattlesnake, diamond-back rattlesnake, common rattlesnake, rattler, eastern diamond-back, eastern diamond rattlesnake, Florida diamond-back, and Florida rattlesnake.
They are generally found in the southeastern United States. They generally live in pine forests, maritime hammocks and mixed woodlands. They will often uses burrows made by gophers. They will come out of their burrows in the early morning or afternoon to bask.
They are excellent swimmers and are not adept at climbing. When approached they may remain silent, but often will start to rattle when approached within twenty feet. These snakes feed by laying in wait for their prey. Usual prey is small mammals and birds.
They are a dangerous venomous snake and their bite has a mortality rate between 10 and 30%. Bite will cause instant pain. Bleeding from the bite, bleeding from the mouth, hypotension and a weak pulse. Seek medical attention immediately.
Never try to remove a Eastern diamond rattlesnake from your Tampa property. Call the professionals at A All Animal Control to help you with your cottonmouth removal in Tampa. We know snakes and can safely remove them from your property.